Back in 2014, my family went into a health crisis. I had been bitten by a bug, not completely sure what type, and it caused a severe infection, which was complicated due to my diabetes. At the same time, my mother had cancer, surgery due to that condition, and other related ailments. The big surprise, though, was that my younger brother, still in his 40s, was diagnosed with brain cancer.
The type of brain cancer that my brother had was a particularly aggressive type of brain cancer. When I found out about it, I did some research online and found that the majority of those with this condition live no longer than 13 months. My brother had chemotherapy, and other treatments, ending in brain surgery. His cancer went into remission, but sometime later (I think a year to a year and a half, as I recall), his cancer returned. Since then, he has gone through several more brain surgeries. Unfortunately, because of these types of surgeries, his personality has changed, and for the most part, he has been unable to work. Right now he is cancer free, but this type of brain cancer will usually return, or that is my understanding. He is still going through very aggressive chemotherapy, and I’m sure that that is very difficult for him and his family.
After my heart surgery in 2016, I learned about fasting. At the time, I was particularly interested in the healing values of fasting. I learned that fasting can cure many ailments, and improve health a lot. Since I started fasting in early 2017 I have learned even more. One thing I have learned, and there have been many studies about this, is that for anybody who does extended fasting, it is very unlikely that they will get cancer of any kind. Cancer cells generally feed off of sugar. If you are doing fasting, particularly extended fasting, there is no sugar present in your system after your glycogen stores have been flushed out of your kidney and muscles. With no sugar in your system, cancer cell simply cannot grow, and really can’t survive.
I have pointed this out to my brother many times. I have sent him news clippings, links to articles online, etc. But, he does not seem to take that information to heart. It makes me very sad, but I also know that fasting is rather new in terms of doing it to vastly improve your health, and it is not widely supported yet in the medical community. Because of this, I can’t really blame my brother for not jumping on the bandwagon. I do know that my health improvements have been so dramatic that I don’t see why anybody would not want to try to see if they can improve their health in such a way.
According to the University of Southern California, USC, a study that they did shows that fasting greatly improves the efficacy of radiation treatment. Check out the link, you might find it interesting.
Apparently, USC has done a lot of studying about fasting in recent years. Another USC study showed that after three days of fasting, a person’s immune system is regenerated 100%. Imagine that. During fasting, many new stem cells are created, and that is very effective in healing disease.
On the website HealthWire, they have an interesting article about the possibility that through fasting nature has provided a treatment for cancer all along, we just didn’t know what it was.
There are literally hundreds of other studies whose conclusions have come in along the same lines. Fasting is an effective treatment for cancer. Why would anybody with cancer not want to try? I mean, what do you have to lose? A few meals? It is, in my view, a small price to pay.
Whenever I mention about fasting as a cure to any of my family members, they always say that fasting is just too hard. The truth is, if you approach it properly, start out by eating a low-carb diet, fasting is not difficult at all. Your mind will play games with you, and try to make you think that you’re hungry, but you are not. Also, instead of jumping right in and doing a three, five, or 10 days fast, start out slow. Do intermittent fasting. Fast for 16 or 20 hours a day, then eat a meal. The more you do this sort of thing, you’ll find that you can easily stretch out a few more hours, or even another day. I know that for those of you who have not tried fasting, it sounds like it would be impossible. But, I have a lot of experience with fasting, and I can tell you that it is not only possible if you work into it properly, but it is also quite easy to do.
So, if you have cancer like my brother does, give fasting a try. As I said, you really don’t have anything to lose, and there is potentially a lot to gain. Get your health back. Turn things around. Don’t be miserable. Fasting can be the key to achieving all of these things. At least that is how I see it.
yes Bob
Thanks, Susie!
Great post Bob! I succumbed to my doctor’s medications after a fasting regiment that took off 50lbs but still did not bring my blood sugar anywhere near the acceptable range. I won my bet with the doc for loosing weight but lost the blood sugar battle. Now four months on the doc’s plan blood sugar is half what it was but got back 30 lbs and I feel like crap😫. So back to fasting easy right? No these medications (or at least the injectable medication) make you want to eat (I think it is built in to keep you on the damn meds- but I may just not trust Big Pharmacy), so before a three day fast was nothing. Now I have not been able to complete a 3 day in the past two weeks. 😫. I am frustrated to say the least.
Prayers for brother.
Hi Jeff – it is really great to hear from you, it has been a while! I am sorry to hear that your glucose problems continued! If I were to give you advice I would recommend you go to Dr. Fung’s LDP and get advice from the master! I bet he can help you achieve what you want to do!
Probably a good idea Bob, but I was doing well fasting visa vie weight-loss. The sugar was a problem. With these damn medications the numbers look good but weight is climbing and I feel like crap. My thoughts lean towards getting an exercise program of walking and moderate resistance training when this cold snap breaks.
I plan on being in Mindanao mid July to mid August. Condo should be ready to be turned over to me for finish out about the end of this year or beginning of next year. Hope to make the move later part of 2020 (possibly sooner). Take care, stay in touch.
Whatever you decide, i wish you the best of luck.
If i had cancer, there is no way i would not at least try it. That’s way more better than chemo or radiation and no side affect’s. Fasting for me right now would not work as i am already thin and would not want to lose any more weight. I do watch my carb’s not to eat many late in the day which keeps my blood sugar good.
Indeed, there’s really no reason not to give it a try if a person has cancer!
When you fast, what is your regiment? How much water, if any do you drink?
I don’t really have any set amount of water. I just drink what my body wants. Maybe about a gallon, I’d say, but have never measured it.