Fun Shopping For Clothes
Clothes Shopping is not Fun for the Obese
Recently I have been in an awkward position of kind of being “between” clothes sizes. XXL was too big for me. XL was a bit small. What could I do?
I decided to just keep wearing XXL even though it felt too big.
One of the reasons I didn’t shop for new clothes was because as an obese person, clothes shopping has never been fun for me. In fact, it has been intimidating. I have avoided it as much as possible.
At my peak weight, I wore a 7XL shirt, and that was the largest size I ever saw in a store. It is intimidating going into a store and nothing fits, or you can barely squeeze into the largest size that they have available.
My son and I were in the Mall
One recent day, my son and I were in the mall. I glanced over at the menswear area. I thought to myself that maybe I should go try on some shirts. I overcame my fear of doing it, went over and started looking.
When the salesman approached me, it felt intimidating, but I put my feelings aside and was friendly with him.
Interaction with a salesman
I told him I wanted to try on an XXL of a certain shirt, and he seemed surprised. I thought that in his mind he was thinking.. “you are way too fat to fit into a 2XL.” Well, the 2 XL was way too big on me. When I took it back to the salesman he sais “I thought that would be too large for you, sir.” Wow!
As it ended up that the right size for me was L. Yep, LARGE! I could not believe it.
What a fun and amazing shopping trip. I really enjoyed it. No longer being obese has changed my life in so many ways, including being able to shop for clothes!
Get all the details by watching my video above!
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Isn’t it great to go shopping and buy “regular” sizes? Its hard to get used to. I still feel strange shopping for myself, because it seems like everyone is thinking, “What is SHE doing here? Plus size is over THERE!” Lol, like people even care!
Everything you said it’s so true!