I have decided to reevaluate some of my goals in regards to health and weight.
Oh, I know, some of you are thinking that I’m going to ease up on myself. No, not indeed. I’m going to make my goals more difficult. That’s right, due to the super motivation I’m experiencing right now, as I told you yesterday, I’m going to make my goals stronger, and quicker.
In the past, I never really set a goal for my goal weight. I have never been thin in my life, and I really didn’t know how much I wanted to weigh. However, for some time I have had it in my mind that I wanted to get below 200 pounds and I would be happy. Well, I will be happy when I get below 200 pounds (I’m about 230 pounds right now), but I have decided that my goal will be to get down to 180 pounds. I think that is a good and healthy weight for me, and if I can achieve that and maintain it I will be very happy.
Additionally, I want to break below 200 pounds within the next 30 days. I really would like to achieve that before the end of June, which is less than 30 days away, but if I can do it within 30 days I will be very happy. I don’t even know when the last time was that I weighed less than 200 pounds. It was probably sometime during junior high school. Maybe even before that, I just don’t remember. It will be a major achievement for me. At the time that I get to 200 pounds, I will have lost 230 pounds since my peak weight.
Right now I am losing between one and a half to 2 pounds every day. If that drops down to only 1 pound per day I can still reach my interim goal of going below 200 pounds within 30 days. I strongly believe I can do that. We will see what happens. It will certainly be a time for celebration for me.
Doctor Visits
No, I’m not talking about going for doctor appointments, right now I don’t have any health problems for which I need to go in and see a doctor. I do consult with doctors while fasting, but generally over the phone or by text message. What I am talking about is going to see some doctors as more of a social call.
You see, back in 2016 when I had a heart attack, and went on to have a quadruple heart bypass surgery I had a large team of doctors. I don’t know, I probably had more than a dozen doctors in all. I would say there are probably four or five doctors out of that team that I would like to go back and visit, but I want to be below 200 pounds when I go back. I have seen some of those doctors just by chance in the last few months, and they have been very complimentary and very happy about my weight loss so far. I imagine that they will be shocked if I go in and see them at a sub-200-pound weight. It will also make me feel good to do that.
Since my heart surgery, I have regularly gone in to visit the nurses at the hospital where my surgery was done. It has been about six months since I have been in to see them, and I want to go see them as well, but I want to do it after about 30 more pounds of weight loss. It means a lot to me to show continued success, it may even motivate some of the other patients there. One of the nurses there have even gotten into fasting a little bit, although I have not heard a progress report from her for a couple of months.
I am excited, I am really starting to make plans in my mind for the time when I am nearing my goal weight, and for when I have reached it. It is hard to even imagine because I have been obese for my entire life.
I just wanted to say congrats on the success and keep going! You got this! Keep us updated and post some pics! Very proud of you even though I don’t know you!
Thank you very much. That is very kind of you.