So, I told you yesterday how I had been worried for the past 6 weeks or so. My blood sugar was suddenly high and I did not know why. The blood sugar readings I was getting were consistently in the 150s even after days of fasting. It shocked me and scared me. I was worried […]
I’ve been worried!
Since around the beginning of August, I have been very worried. The thing that I have been worried about is my blood sugar. In 2014 (and for years before that) my blood sugar was out of control. I had been diagnosed with diabetes more than 25 years ago, and a few times I got my […]
Hmm… a little high this morning
This morning when I checked my blood sugar it was a bit high! That is not normal, my blood sugar is almost always looking good. This morning, though, my Fasting Blood Sugar when I woke up was 164. My doctor has told me that reading at that level is not too concerning, but to me, […]